Category Archives: Government

Tax Breaks for Landlords (“Real-Estate Professionals”)

Great summation from the WSJ In 2014, one or more filers of 392,000 returns claimed to be real-estate professionals, according the most recent data from the Internal Revenue Service. This total doesn’t include taxpayers earning $150,000 or less and … Continue reading

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Rosetta Comet Landing

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13 Amazing Historical Photos

Some amazing photographs from the past. Some are quite graphic and all are interesting.

Posted in Foreign, Government, Images | Leave a comment

Vietnam – Cu Chi Tunnels

This gallery contains 67 photos.

One of the site seeing tours we took in Vietnam was to the Cu Chi Tunnels. This site shows how the Vietnamese army lived and fought during the Vietnamese war. The guides were def anti American, as could be understood, … Continue reading

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Vietnam – War Museum

This gallery contains 66 photos.

The Vietnam War Remnants Museum was an intense place to visit. Some of the pictures in the gallery are definitely NSFW. Seeing so many sad pictures was harsh and the place itself had a very weird vibe to it. Here … Continue reading

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Vietnam – Reunification Palace

This gallery contains 105 photos.

This is the spot where the Vietnam war ended when a tank crashed through its gates during the Fall of Saigon. Huge place.It’s 4 stories + an elaborate basement with every room you need to run an army. Maps on … Continue reading

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NSA – A Guide to Internet Research

Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research

Posted in Government, Internet, Reference, Security | Leave a comment

20 Most Powerful Images of All Time

The images and stories behind these powerful pictures range from the depths of suffering to the pinnacle of our achievements. Some of these images are definitely NSFW/NSFL. I was actually a bit numb after putting this post together but felt … Continue reading

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Safe Nuclear Energy – TED Talk

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Summary of Middle East History and Problems

I found this summarization of Arab history online. I think on reddit. I had copied it into a text file to read later. Good read.

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