Category Archives: Travel

Visually Amazing Places on Earth

Some filtering with Photoshop, still lovely.

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Amazing Octopus Camouflage

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The Incredible Hearst Castle

This gallery contains 159 photos.

Every now and again the combination of the people around us along with stunning sights and sounds can transport us to a place and time we would otherwise never be able to visit. This weekend my friends and I were … Continue reading

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Gold Prospecting

I like to hike and and intrigued about the art of gold prospecting. Gold mining was a large part of California and U.S. history. I’ll update this post with information regarding tutorials, maps and misc information on gold prospecting I … Continue reading

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Asia Trip Post 7 – Hyderabad, India Day 3

Notes: So on the third day we did the regular stuff. Get up, eat free breakfast, play with the kids. Later in the evening we went to this craft fair, the “All India Crafts Mela”, that was pretty neat. All … Continue reading

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Asia Trip Post 10 – Hyderabad, India Day 6

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Asia Trip Post 6 – Hyderabad, India Day 2

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Asia Trip Post 5 – Hyderabad, India Day 1

This gallery contains 87 photos.

Notes: Arrived in India on Dec 21. Saif came and picked me up with the driver and we then went out to have a coffee with his cousin. Next morning we went for a run, which probably wasn’t to healthy … Continue reading

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Asia Trip Post 3 – Wat Arun, Thailand

This gallery contains 21 photos.

So I was able to visit this amazing Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand. Starting as a traditional center for Thai medicine the Buddha himself has believed to have lived at Wat Pho. You can check out more info on the … Continue reading

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Asia Trip Post 2 – The rest of Singapore

This gallery contains 44 photos.

Here are the rest of my images from Singapore. They include some great food and even better friends. Also some of the sights of the places I visited, modest, but all I could do in the 3 days I was … Continue reading

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