5 Best ways to get Down Payment for a Home

What is a downpayment and how much do you need?

With mortgage rates at historical lows and more people than ever working from home everyone is asking how they can they purchase a house or condo.

Step 1 is getting a downpayment together. There are a range of downpayment options ranging from 0% if you are a Veteran all the way up to 25% or higher down if you want a lower loan amount.

So for example if the house you want to buy is $300,000 and you want to put 20% down you will need to have $60,000 to put toward the house.

Then a bank or lender like Quicken Loans will loan you the remaining $240,000 . This $240,000 loan is also called a mortgage.

See below for amount you would need to put down for different types of loans for a $300,000 loan

So explore all the options and programs to see how much of a downpayment you will need. If you aren’t sure you can reach out to lenders like Quicken Loans and they can help guide and ask you the right questions.

5 ways to get the money for your downpayment?

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What’s Forbearance and are more Home Foreclosure’s around the corner

What is Forbearance?

  • Part of the CARES act enacted in March of 2020
  • Allows home owners to defer 12 months of mortgage payments due to hardships
  • Was then extended 6 more months
  • Last time to Apply is June 30th 2021

Example: So if someone hard started forbearance in  April 2020, it would have expired April 2021 but now it is extended to October 2021

How to get out of Forbearance?

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Take On Me – Acoustic

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Clive Church- Star Trek

My grand uncle rocking it with captain Picard.

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Dancing: We are just robots

I got sucked in and then couldn’t stop watching as it got better and better

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Witches On Tinder


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Relaxing Hanging Drum Duet

Makes me want to give that a shot.

How much are hanging drums?

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Awesome .Zip of Nature Backgrounds

Found while looking for a new desktop background slideshow.

Dropbox link here (Click “Download” in upper right) – https://www.dropbox.com/sh/shc0un3savro0pf/AADfMQzZBFxIcAmzuNBIwJiXa?dl=0

Original reddit thread where this was found:

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Create a Custom Slack Emoji

Click the “Add Emoji” button in Slack

Upload an image (GIF supported)

Give it a name and you’re done!

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Netflix Categories

I remember netflix used to allow searching by categories, but now it’s more difficult, but still possible using the site below.


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